Introducing LaPlante Service

Service core value header

At LaPlante Real Estate, service is our primary function. We are committed to doing good for other people. We are interested in our clients’ success, our residents’ welfare, and our staff’s well-being. This passion is our purpose and the source of our economic growth. We call it our service triangle. 

Our Property Management Division ensures that all inquiries into purchasing, administration, and renovation of properties are handled quickly and efficiently. As owners themselves, our leadership team sets the guidelines of service to ensure our owner clients feel we value their property as if it were our own.  

Our residents’ health, safety, and security are of vital importance to LaPlante Real Estate. The Residential Management Team oversees the upkeep of properties and resident satisfaction. We work diligently to ensure that residents have a place that they can call home for the long term. Sometimes it means we must make difficult or unpopular decisions. While the Toledo lead ordinance moves through the court system, we have made the tough decision to move ahead with abatement and certification. While the ordinance itself is a bit murky, the safety of residents is still essential, and protecting our owners from fines and legal action is important. 

Account information and assistance are a critical part of our operations. The support we offer our residents includes assessing each individual and understanding their needs regarding rent collections and accounts payable within the rental terms and as prescribed by law. Other ongoing services include cooperation with various local social service agencies through rental assistance programs. For example, before the Covid19 eviction moratorium was even enacted, we had developed a plan and reached out to residents to help them stay in their home. 

One of my roles as the Director of First Impressions is to not only serve the people who walk through our door, but to care for and serve the team. Hospitality is what I am called to do and appreciate an environment where I can be paid to do it full-time. 

The LaPlante staff is a family. We care about professional development, the services we provide, and the atmosphere in which we work. Making a difference in the lives of our team promotes kindness and brings meaning to each of our own lives. This kindness to each other does not produce a tangible commodity; it is a contribution to each of our achievements. We have opportunities to serve each other every day. Life does not stop when you go to work. Our team rallies together to fill needs or offer support both professionally and personally.  

Real estate is deeply tied to service. While it may come with the territory, we seek to embrace it through our service triangle. Every day we make it our mission to serve each other, serve our residents and serve our owners. 


Service • Leadership • Accountability • Authenticity • Commitment • Teamwork • Respect • Excellence

headshot of Stephanie Mattoni

Stephanie Mattoni

Director of First Impressions

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