Introducing LaPlante Teamwork

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As the saying goes, there is no “I” in teamwork. This couldn’t be truer than here at LaPlante Real Estate. However, it’s not enough to build a strong team; it’s a continual investment to keep the team strong. 

Knowing how to communicate is an essential part of teamwork. Every employee has gone through DiSC training to help us identify each of our personality types and how to communicate in another person’s preferred communication style. Whether it’s sorting through a complicated maintenance issue that requires brainstorming with multiple employees, solving accounting challenges, or negotiating rates with contractors, we have identified our strengths and ways to work together to find the best solution for each situation. 

Personality training has also taught us how to respect differences and empathize by being able to identify each other’s personality types. This has helped tremendously when dealing with tough situations when we come together to determine next steps. 

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A great example of this teamwork being tested is an extensive plumbing job that recently required much collaboration. Our project manager and I knew that this one was beyond our scope of knowledge! We tapped into the experience of one of LaPlante’s owners, who has extensive hazardous disaster clean-up experience. The three of us put our heads together and came up with a detailed plan for success. With our contractors’ additional help and cooperation, we were able to get the job done quickly and safely, all while keeping the residents in a safe environment. 

One of the latest stretches for us has been over the pandemic. The team was challenged to meet the needs of both residents and investors. We were challenged to effectively communicate with each other – sometimes remotely, and with our investors and residents. The team came together to make it happen.  

When the dust had settled, there was a need to work with the community to help our residents remain in the place they called home. We coordinated with city and non-profit groups to host events for rental and utility assistance for residents. 

One of the things we do at LaPlante to motivate synergy is bonding within the group. You will frequently find us enjoying lunch together, attending seminars, and encouraging each other in our personal goals. We are not just a team at work— we have made lifelong friendships that extend beyond our professional lives. 

Sometimes companies describe themselves as large families— but we think the team metaphor is a much better fit. Our players have diverse backgrounds and different roles, but choose to unite to solve our common goal, because we’re all playing on the same side. 

I feel confident about the team we have created at LaPlante to serve our residents, property owners, and community. Learning to work as a team can be challenging at times but we have all come together to accomplish our goal to transform the real estate/property management industry.  



Service • Leadership • Accountability • Authenticity • Commitment • Teamwork • Respect • Excellence

Katie Straughan

Katie Straughan

Director of Property Management

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