Winter Tips for Residents

Now is a good time of the season for preparing your home for the winter months ahead. We have included some easy tips on how to prepare for the cold weather to keep you and your family safe and warm.

Check the pipes: Winter can cause pipes to freeze and burst but knowing in advance what you can do ahead of any situation is the key to avoiding both discomfort and expense.

As temperatures fall below 20 degrees, keep the cold water from one or two faucets running at a fast drip, no more.

Please contact us immediately at (419) 806-2384 if you suspect your water pipes have frozen.

Leave the Heat on:

Shutting off the heat completely will put your home at risk of frozen and burst pipes. Do not turn off your heat if you are planning on taking a vacation. We recommend setting the thermostat no lower than 68° F.

window blinds
Let the sunlight warm your home.

Stay Warm and Save Money: These few simple tips will help you save money inside your home.

  • Remove your window AC units.
  • Turn your ceiling fans to low-reverse (clockwise) to circulate and force warm air back to the ground.
  • Keep your curtains or blinds open in the day to let in the sunlight and close them at night to keep warm air in.

If you are unable to pay your gas/electric/water bill(s) there are local services in your neighborhood that can help. It is your responsibility to maintain active utilities.

The United Way of Greater Toledo- dial 1 (800) 650-4357 can further assist you with community outreach programs.

Snow Removal: Check your lease agreement, but typically single-family residents are responsible for snow removal.

The City of Toledo requires that snow must be shoveled within 24 hours after the end of a snow fall. Failure to shovel your sidewalks within the designated time in accordance with your lease may result in a removal charge or city fine beginning at $75 and up.

Pest Prevention: As the weather cools, pests will seek food and shelter- Don’t provide pests with food

  • Before bringing in potted plants, check for “ant nests” and if there are any remove or change your plant soil.
  • To prevent your ants from accessing your pet’s food bowl, put a thin ring of petroleum jelly around the rim.
  • Empty inside garbage containers often and dispose properly. If you are missing a trash or recycle receptacle, please contact the office and we will get you another one.
  • Clean your dishes; put food away in sealed containers.

LaPlante Real Estate will seal holes and any cracks showing daylight from inside to ward off pests from entering the home. We also have mouse bait stations available in our lobby, 4 per residence.

Plan for emergencies: Be prepared.

  • Have a plan of action in the event of a power outage.
  • Have a basic first aid kit.
  • Have a battery powered radio, flashlights and extra batteries.
  • Stock up on non-perishable food and water. If you have pets keep extra food on hand.
  • Watch out for melting snow and ice – use salt.
  • Always call 911 if you have an emergency.

LaPlante Real Estate thanks you for your continued efforts to maintain your home. We wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday season.

Kathryn headshot
Contribute by:

Kathryn Van Streader

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